2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
Time for a Chat About LLMs?
A recent study demonstrates ChatGPT’s potential usefulness in aiding radiologists’ interpretation of medical images.
Mapping a Complex Landscape
Breakthroughs with functional MRI aid physicians in better understanding and treating all forms of depression.
Now You See It
Interpreting CT images is becoming more efficient due to the burgeoning use of AI, 3D reconstructions, and virtual reality.
Going Green
The push for greener practices in radiology requires the help of colleagues, vendors, patients, and beyond.
Editor’s Note
Radiology’s Future
AI Insights
The key to patient-centric care may lie in AI.
Women’s Imaging
AI is well-positioned to make breast cancer diagnoses more accurate.
Nuc Med News
Learn the ins and outs of “Technegas,” a radioaerosol recently approved by the FDA for use in the United States.
Products and Services
On the Case
Radiologists discover a case of congenital celiacomesenteric trunk.
Imaging Informatics
Second Opinions
Shifting Guidelines
Experts are discussing ways to break down breast cancer screening barriers, especially in underserved and minority communities.
The Road Ahead?
While mobile MRI machines could expand access to neuroimaging and neuro research, they also raise legal and ethical questions regarding their use.
Making Adjustments
Ensuring comfortability and reducing strain through ergonomic workspace design is crucial for improving radiologists’ productivity and enhancing their lives.
The COLLISION trial revealed that tumor removal via thermal ablation has comparable effectiveness to traditional surgical methods, with fewer complications and lower recurrence rates.
Editor’s Note
A Layered Approach
Rad Tech News
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill offers the United States’ only tuition-free radiologic technologist program.
Molecular Imaging News
A new radiopharmaceutical helps radiologists determine whether breast cancer is estrogen receptor positive or negative, making treatment more effective.
Imaging Informatics
Radiologists are putting patients’ needs at the forefront while transitioning to modernized image exchange methods.
Products and Services
On the Case
Radiologists discover a case of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid.
News Scan
Second Opinions
Look Again?
Those in the radiology field are considering whether radiology second opinion services, despite their surging popularity, are worthwhile.
The Depths of the Heart
Emerging technologies can provide radiologists with more insight than standard coronary CT into coronary conditions, allowing them to treat disease more effectively.
The Better to See With
Neuro optical coherence tomography provides high-resolution images and greatly enhances the visualization of arterial pathology, allowing for improved treatment of neurovascular diseases.
Getting Specific
Experts in the radiology field are perfecting prostate cancer treatment by reducing scan times, improving imaging coils, streamlining workflow, and developing more efficient radiopharmaceuticals.
Editor’s Note
Double Take
DR News
Radiologists are experimenting with the use of flexible X-ray detectors.
Technology Trends
A doctor 4,318 miles away from a patient performed a successful telerobotic thrombectomy, generating excitement for digital surgery.
Ultrasound News
Ultrasound is breaking into the facial reconstruction business, finding potential use in plastic surgery.
On the Case
Radiologists discover a case of multiple myeloma.
Second Opinions
Proceed With Caution
AI is not a be-all-end-all solution, but with human intervention, it could be useful in alleviating workload burdens on radiology departments.
Pelvic Puzzle
Radiologists set out to discover the cause of pelvic pain plaguing a significant percentage of women.
Talk on the Street
Results are mixed on the utility of large language models, but radiologists are hopeful that fine-tuning and more time could make them a valuable asset.
Subtle Contrast
Technological advancements are making it easier than ever to ensure optimal doses of contrast agents for MR, CT, and ultrasound patients.
Editor’s Note
DR News
Radiology plays a role in bettering bone health care.
Women's Imaging
AI makes digital breast tomosynthesis more efficient at detecting breast cancer.
Imaging Informatics
Radiologists should stop dictating exam measurements and start letting machines do it instead.
On the Case
Radiologists discover a case of nipple adenoma.
Reporter’s Notebook
News From SIR 2024
Second Opinions
An Interesting Case
Forensic radiology can forgo the need for traditional autopsy, reducing the burden on forensic pathologists during ongoing worker shortages.
Standing By
The presence of parents during pediatric MRI procedures can have both positive and negative effects.
Dismantling Disparities
Radiology can play a pivotal role in bringing equity to health care outcomes among women of all ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds.
A Handy Solution
Handheld ultrasound continues its rise in popularity due to its compactness and ease of transportation, making it useful in a variety of scenarios.
Editor’s Note
Divergent Paths
MRI Monitor
Helium is crucial for keeping MRI machines cool, and shortages could cause a litany of problems.
Molecular Imaging News
The latest in the field of molecular imaging.
News Scan
Products and Services
On the Case
Radiologists discover a case of Moyamoya disease.
Second Opinions
Deep Breaths
Constrictive bronchitis is difficult to detect, but a new imaging technique could pave the way to quicker diagnosis.
Capturing the Unseen
Opportunistic imaging utilizes supplementary imaging data to foster new discoveries that could improve patient care.
Needs Adjustment
The move from large hospitals to smaller centers has radiologists rethinking the size and portability of C-arm devices.
New Vistas
Radiologists are utilizing new medical displays to improve workflow and reduce burnout.
Editor’s Note
Yet to Be Seen
Oncology Imaging
Precision medicine has been effective in treating difficult cancers.
On the Case
Radiologists discover a case of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome.
Products and Services
Imaging Informatics
FDA approval shouldn’t be the primary deciding factor when evaluating AI products.
Second Opinions
Getting Personal
Every patient is unique; with the use of biomarkers and the aid of theranostics, imaging is getting more personal and precise than ever.
To the Point
Handheld X-ray at the point of care is making imaging more convenient and accessible.
Risky Business
Radiologists are addressing the difficulties posed by dense breast tissue to evaluate breast cancer risk and personalize screening.
Body Building
Researchers combining ultrasound and 3D printing demonstrate the potential to build and repair structures within the body with minimal invasiveness, reducing recovery times and surgery complications.
Editor's Note
Step by Step
Imaging Informatics
Radiologists are working on ways to address health care disparities and bring care to disadvantaged communities.
Interventional News
Experts are devising ways to make IR safer for patients as well as practitioners.
AI Insights
Predictions for AI’s role in imaging in 2024.
Ultrasound News
Sonobiopsy, a new method for treating brain cancer, could prove safer than traditional brain biopsy.
On the Case
Radiologists discover a case of Poland syndrome.
Products and Services
Second Opinions
Looking for Trouble?
Whole-body scans are an emerging trend in the field of radiology, but radiologists are skeptical about whether the benefits outweigh the risks.
The Edge of Tomorrow
Radiologists are looking to maximize CT efficiency to achieve lower doses and higher image quality by utilizing AI and photon counting.
Imaging With Ease
Ultrasound manufacturers are working on combatting workforce shortages and decreasing the burden of increased use by making ultrasound systems more user-friendly.
5 Things to Watch in 2024
Couldn’t make it to RSNA? Check out our annual list of notable trends.
Editor's Note
Trendy Picks
Billing and Coding
Everything you need to know about updates and issues of concern with reimbursement and compliance in 2024.
Imaging Informatics
Teledosimetry could be the next step in cancer imaging and treatment.
Reporter’s Notebook
News from RSNA 2023
On the Case
Radiologists discover a gastric glomus tumor
Second Opinions