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Five Things to Watch
A new year brings new promise, as well as new challenges. Here are five topics from RSNA 2008 that are likely to get your attention in ‘09.
RSNA Reporter’s Notebook
If you weren’t at RSNA, you may have missed these interesting reports.
2008 Technologists Salary Survey
Wondering where you are on the salary spectrum? Find out what your peers told us about technologist compensation.
RSNA Products and Services Showcase
Check out some of the latest wares from the biggest medical show of the year.
Editor’s Note
‘Previously, Our Largest Concern Was...’
News Scan
Read about the latest happenings in radiology, including how hi-res CT can detect impaired bone development related to anorexia and a study that finds small colon polyp removal to be costly and unnecessary.
CT Slice
CT Perfusion Study Could Change Stroke Treatment Protocols
Risk Management & Malpractice Defense
To Call or Not to Call — How High Is the Standard?
Mammography Matters
Research From RSNA
MRI Monitor
Comparing MRI With Mammography
Second Opinions
A double take on who said what and what is worth a second look
Neuroimaging — The Ethical Ramifications of Downloading Information Directly From the Brain
If it were possible to read someone’s mind, would that information be admissible in court? The increasing capability of functional MRI to track brain activity is raising some serious privacy questions.
Dealing With Rejection
No one likes to be rejected, especially when it comes to medical billing. With the right plan, you can significantly reduce your billing denials.
Ultrasound History
Ultrasound technology has been growing at a rapid pace since the late 1960s, but its history stretches back much farther than that.
Family Planning Intervention
An interventional procedure offers a minimally invasive method of permanent birth control.
Radiology Today Exclusive Interview: Financial Issues Facing Radiology Executives
What should radiologists be worried about? We asked Cynthia S. Sherry, MD, FACR, the new president of the American College of Physician Executives.
Editor’s Note
And So It Begins. Again.
PACS Platform
Oncology PACS
MRI Monitor
Identifying Cervical Cancer Early; 3T MRI Improves Diagnosing Focal Epilepsy
News Scan
SPECT Study Finds Brain Abnormalities Associated With Fibromyalgia; 3D CT Leads to More Successful Varicose Vein Treatment in Lower Extremities; and more.
Interventional Update
DVT Intervention
Target On Therapy
Proton Therapy and Concurrent Chemotherapy May Reduce Bone Marrow Toxicity
Risk Management & Malpractice Defense
PACS and the Loss of Examination Record
Products and Services
Radiology Coding
What’s New in 2009?
Second Opinions
A double take on who said what and what is worth a second look
RBMs — The Wrong Tool?
Radiology benefits management companies are increasingly being used by insurers to weed out unnecessary imaging orders, but are they focusing too much on the financial side of the equation?
Virtual Colonoscopy — On Its Way to Being a Real Screening Tool?
Doctors lament that too many people forego colonoscopy screenings. Now that CT colonoscopy technology is maturing, will more people get screened?
3D MRIPH — New Vehicle for Vascular Imaging
A new MR procedure shows promise for identifying the composition of atherosclerotic plaques, which may lead to better stroke prevention.
Lead Aprons — New Software and Tag System Organizes Record Keeping
Tracking lead aprons can be time consuming and tedious, but new software helps make the task less of a burden.
Scanning Chicago’s Food Scene
While you’re in town for RSNA, sample some of the city’s fine cuisine.
Editor’s Note
RBM: Radiology Benefits Management or Rather Bad Medicine?
PACS Platform
Digital Transition
CT Slice
Dynamic Volume CT: A Macroevolution?
Risk Management & Malpractice Defense
Comparing New Radiographs With Those Obtained Previously
Target on Therapy
Chemo Before May Eliminate Postmastectomy Radiation; Avoiding Cranial Radiation in Children
News Scan
New techniques for imaging and radiation therapy show potential benefits.
Products and Services
RSNA Preview
Second Opinions
A double take on who said what and what is worth a second look
PACS: It’s Not Just for Radiology Anymore
Specialty physician groups are finding that the benefits of PACS extend far beyond the radiology department.
Cardiac MRI
Cardiac MRI offers a wealth of data, but do the obstacles in its path outweigh potential benefits?
PET Project — Scanning Information Changes Treatment Plans in Studies
Several studies show that PET is useful for cancer treatment planning, and clinicians are hoping to get the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to approve its broader use.
RSNA Product & Services Showcase
With the biggest medical show of the year right around the corner, it’s time for a peek at what’s new.
Editor’s Note
Is Your Brain Private?
PACS Platform
SIIM Launches Online Career Center; Compressus Links Facilities, Speeds Turnaround for Texas Telerad Group
Radiology Coding
How to Avoid the Three Biggest Modifier-25 Pitfalls
Nuc Med Notes
SNM Launches Biomarker Trial Network
MRI Monitor
Challenging Routine Breast MRI Scans
Products and Services
News Scan
CT Scans Benefit Patients With Suspected Appendicitis; The Zen of fMRI; In Search of Better Computer Vision Systems; Company News
Second Opinions
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Filling the Void — Subspecialty Teleradiology’s Universe Is Expanding
Increasing demand for radiologist subspecialization is driving growth in the teleradiology market.
MRI and MRSA? Infection Control in the Imaging Room
The expanded use of MRI has raised concerns about proper infection control, particularly as it relates to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
ASTRO Reporter’s Notebook
There was plenty of news from the 50th annual meeting of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology last month.
HIPAA Crackdown?
Medical facilities need to be aware that Health and Human Services is taking a closer look at HIPAA-related privacy issues.
Editor’s Note
Finding Your Place
CT Slice
Software-Based Chest Pain Triage
News Scan
fMRI Searches for Self-Control
Managing to Succeed
What Now? — Pursuing the Next Job When You Didn’t Choose to Leave the Old One
Research Review
CT Colonography as a Screening Option; Re-Creating a Stroke
Risk Management & Malpractice Defense
Supervising Technologists
Second Opinions
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Gadolinium Contrast and NSF — Radiology Today Interview Emanuel Kanal, MD
RT spoke with MRI expert Kanal about the possible causes of and necessary precautions for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis.
When Is a New Product a Product?
It takes more than a good idea to get a new clinical product on the market.
Breast MRI: A Case for Its Broader Use
While some clinicians believe that breast MRI should only be used in limited cases, others believe it should be used more.
Building a Better Balance Sheet — Revenue Cycle Analysis Paves the Way
Revenue cycle analytics software is helping to maximize healthcare organizations’ profitability by automating and simplifying financial management activities.
Editor’s Note
Which Comes First: the Job or the Tool?
PACS Platform
Mammography Film Digitization
Technology Trends
RFID Assumes a New Clinical Role
Interventional Update
Repairing Aortic Aneurysms
Target on Therapy
Shortening Breast Cancer Treatment; Acupuncture Helps Treatment Side Effects
News Scan
Brachytherapy May Be Better for Obese Prostate Cancer Patients; AAPC Announces New Credential; CT Scan Summation Aids RFA Probe Placement; SIR Launches ‘Legs For Life’; SIR Launches ‘Legs For Life’
Products and Services
Second Opinions
A double take on who said what and what is worth a second look
Don’t Get Spooked!
The CMS is not conducting unannounced HIPAA audits, but appears to be ramping up compliance enforcement. Make sure your facility has a security plan in place before you get a call.
Communicating an Urgent Finding
Do you know what your legal liability is regarding communicating urgent findings? You may be surprised by how far your obligation reaches.
Molecular Imaging Research Update
There’s a lot of new research being done with molecular imaging. Have a look at some of the work that was presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine’s annual meeting.
Products and Services Fall Showcase
If there’s something you need for your facility, you can probably find it here.
Editor’s Note
Getting Defensive About Malpractice
Ultrasound News
Predicting Heart Attack Risk
MRI Monitor
Breast MRI’s Evolving Role
Molecular Imaging News
Are You Who Your Brain Chemistry Says You Are?
News Scan
Researchers Locate Tumor Cells With Ultrasound Waves; Earlier Colon Screenings May Identify Cancer Sooner; ; iTunes Allows Radiologists to Organize Personal PDFs; Survey Says … Physician Compensation Barely Keeping Up With InflationSurvey Finds Rad Tech Supply Nearly Equals Demand
Products and Services
Second Opinions
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Considering Cost in Cancer Care Decisions
A recent paper assesses the economic cost of new oncologic interventions.
Radiology Today Book Excerpt: Looking Within: Imaging the Body, Exploring the Human Spirit Take a peek at a day in the life of radiologist Cullen Ruff, MD.
Imaging Alzheimer's Disease
Researchers hope that the combination of PET and Pittsburgh Compund-B may eventually detect slight amyloid brain deposits and provide enough lead time to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
Editor’s Note
Fixing the Bridge
PACS Platform
Behind Closed Doors at the Data Center
Radiology Coding
Ruling Out the ‘Rule-Out’ Diagnosis
Target on Therapy
Using MRgFUS to Treat Bone Metastasis Pain
Products and Services
News Scan
High-Resolution Heart Images Now Available at Peak Stress; MDCT With Virtual Gastroscopy Differentiates Between Malignant and Benign Gastric Ulcers; Venous Embolization Improves Male Fertility; MRI Detects Subtle, Alzheimer's-Like Structural Changes in Brains; ASTRO Announces 2008 Fellows; Company News
Second Opinions
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ACR MRI Accreditation Made Easy
Applying for MRI accreditation only seems as difficult as deciphering the Mycenaean Linear B tablets. By following some practical tips, it doesn’t have to be Greek to you.
Diagnosing Downtime
Whether planned or unplanned, downtime is never a good time. Find out what you can do to minimize headaches and maximize productivity.
Showing Imaging’s Value
In the current economic and political climate, medical imaging is facing increased scrutiny. For this reason, it’s more important than ever to quantify the value it adds to the healthcare system.
Reducing Biopsies
Biopsies are an unpleasant necessity in breast cancer care, but advances in imaging may allow clinicians to characterize breast lesions with less reliance on standard needle procedures.
2008 Buyers’ Guide
Don’t miss our annual directory of the latest in imaging products and services.
Editor’s Note
Downtime in the Digital Age
Managing to Succeed
10 Tips for Improving A/R
2008/2009 Salary Survey
Participate in our annual salary survey for technologists and administrators.
Interventional Update
Custom Stents — Treating Complex Aortic Aneurysms
Products and Services
News Scan
Social Networking Site Provides Insight Into Brains of Alzheimer’s Patients; M. D. Anderson to Investigate Partial-Breast Irradiation
Second Opinions
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Structured Reporting
A kidney stone by any other name would be just as painful, but unified terminology for describing radiological images may reduce the pain of communicating findings among multiple audiences.
SNM Reporter’s Notebook
Couldn’t make it to the Society of Nuclear Medicine’s 55th annual meeting? Here’s a look at some of the latest research.
Breast MRI and Mastectomy — Is There a Link?
Breast MRI has become a valuable adjunct to mammography, but are more women deciding to have mastectomies based on MRI findings?
Editor’s Note
PACS Platform
Digital Archiving for Mammography
Managing to Succeed
Seven Steps to Improving Radiologist Dictation
Molecular Imaging News
PET Heart Health Study
Mammography Matters
Decreasing Compression Discomfort
Research Review
Turning Off Cancer
News Scan
New Imaging Tool May Facilitate Virtual Biopsies; Study to Examine Cancer-Killing Effects of White Blood Cell Transfusion; New Members of College of SIIM Fellows Announced
Interventional Update
Drug-Eluting Stent Study; Invasive Treatment Risks Differ Between Some Men and Women
Products and Services
Radiology Coding
A Vascular Road Map
Second Opinions
Open MRI
When it comes to interventional procedures, 1T open MRI offers some significant advantages.
Moving to the Next PACS
You’ve decided to upgrade your PACS, so now what? Here are some key considerations to guide your implementation.
Summer Products & Services Showcase
While you’re shopping for sunscreen and beach towels during these warm months, you might want to consider a new RIS or MRI shield to get your practice ready for the autumn rush.
Tips for Offering Telerad
The growing demand for imaging services is making teleradiology less of a luxury and more of a necessity, but there are several issues that need to be addressed before a facility takes the plunge.
Playing Tag
Radiofrequency identification can help healthcare facilities boost productivity, but privacy advocates say it may come at a cost.
Editor’s Note
Radiology's Role in CT Angiography
Research Review
Aortic Aneurysms; Radiation After Prostate Recurrence Increases Survival
MRI Monitor
Quantifying Brain Tissue Changes in Alzheimer's; Investigating Grief With fMRI
Molecular Imaging News
Chemo Drug Provides Basis for New Radiolabel
News Scan
Sleep Apnea May Lead to Memory Loss; MRI Reliable for Rectal Cancer Surgical Planning; Earlier Colon Screenings May Identify Cancer Sooner; Outreach Programs Show Promise for Earlier Breast Cancer Detection in African American Women
Ultrasound News
Heel Exam May Predict Fracture Risk; AIUM Ultrasound Bioeffects Report Available
Products and Services
Second Opinions
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Ozark Overlook
PACS and RIS implementation helped a community medical center scale its services.
Taking the Measure of Thyroid Cancer
A new study finds that sonography can effectively distinguish malignant from benign thyroid nodules.
Small Beads, Big Hope
Hepatocellular carcinoma is frequently fatal within one year, but a new microsphere treatment may improve outcomes.
Recruiting Radiologists
For many reasons, radiologists are in short supply, which means competition for services is going up.
Editor’s Note
Screening a CT Screening Study
PACS Platform
To Digitize or Not to Digitize: That Is the Question
Radiology Coding
Know Your ICD-9-CM Guidelines
Managing to Succeed
Seven Ways to Improve Your Team
Interventional Update
Contrast-Induced Nephropathy Prevention Study Approved; Cook Endovascular Graft Approved
News Scan
An interventional procedure may aid pancreatic cancer survival.
Products and Services
Second Opinions
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Online Tools
Roland Talanow, MD, PhD, is a busy man. In addition to completing his radiology residency, he’s developed several Web-based tools for radiologists.
Seeking a Better Scorecard
Calcium scoring helps clinicians determine intermediate risk of coronary artery disease, but calcium coverage scoring may have a lower assessment handicap.
Two Heads Better Than One?
Gamma cameras have been around for a while, but using two adds depth to the modality’s breast imaging contribution.
Fast Turnaround
New guidelines for report turnaround times from the Medical Transcription Industry Association and the American Health Information Management Association place radiology at the top of the list.
PACS Buyers’ Guide
If you’re in the market for a PACS, we’ve got plenty of possibilities for you.
Editor’s Note
Worth Investigating
PACS Platform
Nuc Med on the Network
Ultrasound News
Seeing More, Sooner
PACS Platform
Nuc Med On the Network
News Scan
Does Bone Density Decrease Metastases Risk?; Can CT Replace Retrograde Urethrography for Planning?; TB Screening False Positives Create Problem in U.S. Army
Products and Services
Second Opinions
A double take on who said what and what is worth a second look
Macs in Medicine
After OsiriX offered physicians a taste of a DICOM viewer on a Mac platform, it was only a matter of time before they started lining up for a bite.
Selecting the Best Fibroid Treatment
There are numerous treatments for uterine fibroids but, frequently, women only hear about hysterectomy. That’s a situation many interventional radiologists are hoping to change.
Guidelines for Better Dictation
How’s your dictation? Even if you think it’s good, it could probably be improved. By following a few simple guidelines, you can shave time and money off your transcription costs.
Radiology Today Interview With William Shea, MD
Find out what the head of cardiac radiology for NightHawk Radiology Services thinks about the state of the specialty and where off-site reading is headed.
Editor’s Note
It’s a Mac Thing
MRI Monitor
fMRI, Music Explore the Autistic Brain
News Scan
PET Scans Research Depression; Delaying Radiotherapy Start Can Increase Recurrence Risk; Rapid-Response Stroke Protocol Saves Lives
Target on Therapy
Making Tumors More Vulnerable to Heat; New System Shortens Treatment Sessions
Managing to Succeed
What to Know Before Hiring a Revenue Cycle Firm
CT Slice
CT Can Detect Illegal Dissolved Drugs; Incidental Adrenal Masses Usually Benign; Milk Does a CT Scan Good
Technology Trends
Workflow Analysis
Products and Services
Second Opinions
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Radiologist Assistants — Arriving & Evolving
Radiologist assistants are in demand for good reasons. Find out how these professionals contribute to a radiology practice.
Coding Audits
Here are a few things to keep in mind when auditing your coding processes to facilitate compliance with CMS rules and improve receivables.
PET/MRI: New Fusion
MRI and PET each offer distinct imaging advantages. Now, scientists at the University of California, Davis have developed a hybrid scanner to maximize those advantages.
Teaming Up for Success
Studies have shown that computer-aided detection can enhance mammography, and the first CAD/CR mammography solution is set to hit the market.
Editor’s Note
To What Standard?
PACS Platform
Improving Healthcare IT
Radiology Coding
Where to Go for Coding Answers
Managing to Succeed
Breaking the RAC
Molecular Imaging News
SPECT Study Suggests Biological Cause of Social Anxiety Disorder; PiB Binds to Alzheimer’s Plaque
News Scan
fMRI Probes Anxiety; New Study Finds Mammogram Benefits for Women Beyond 80; Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Doesn’t Always Spread to Lymph Nodes
Products and Services
Second Opinions
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ARRS Reporter’s Notebook
Even if you weren’t able to attend the 108th annual meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society, you can still catch up on some of the research that was presented.
Moving Pictures
An investigational ultrasound system captures 2,000 to 5,000 images of breast tissue and links them together in a “moving loop” of streaming video. Its inventor hopes it will do for breast cancer what Pap smears did for cervical cancer.
Flex Your Referral Muscles — Utilizing RIS Data
It can be a challenge to link marketing initiatives to referral increases, but one radiology group has found that the effort has strengthened their practice.
Editor’s Note
Preemptive Strike
Research Review
New Imaging Technique Detects Cancer Earlier Than Colonoscopy
Technology Trends
PET Infusion Systems Seeks to Simplify FDG Delivery
Interventional Update
Stenting and Surgery Produce Similar Stroke Prevention Results
CT Slice
Big Picture Is Enough; Aquilion One Showcased at Cardiology Meeting
MRI Monitor
Perfusion Study Finds Glioma Changes Earlier; MRI Findings Help Forecast Prostate Cancer Prognosis
News Scan
Read about some of the latest in cancer diagnoses, molecular imaging, and company news.
Molecular Imaging News
Scientists Monitor Raman Effect in Search for Imaging’s Gold Standard
Products and Services
Second Opinions
A double take on who said what and what is worth a second look
Shredding 101
Getting rid of medical records isn’t as easy as dropping them in a trash can. Find out what you need to know to properly dispose of medical information and cover your assets.
PET Registry
Data from the National Oncologic PET Registry suggest that PET is an effective tool for diagnosing and observing all cancers. Will the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services agree?
Reading CTs and Defenses
A Texas radiologist has a novel view of pro football—as a team owner.
Getting Back to Business
A new study shows that uterine artery embolization is a good choice for many uterine fibroid patients, and interventional radiologists are working to spread the word.
Editor’s Note
RT vs. IT: The Next Generation
PACS Platform
Flying Solo With PACS for Macs
Interventional Update
Fibroid Embolization Effective When Focused Ultrasound Fails
News Scan
Older women benefit from mammograms and radiation therapy.
Technology Trends
Biometrics Coming of Age
Radiology Coding
A Coder’s Perspective on Computer-Assisted Coding Software
Products and Services
Second Opinions
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Spring Products & Services Showcase
Do you need a new phantom or some biopsy equipment? How about a CD burner? Whatever you need, check out some of the latest products in our showcase.
Refined Viewing — In-Room Imaging Brings New Style to Radiation Therapy
In-room and onboard imaging allow oncologists to guide radiation treatment with near–real-time images rather than ones that are days or weeks old. Is dose-guided radiation therapy far behind?
Postcards From Washington, D.C. — SIR 2008
There were plenty of new studies presented at the Society of Interventional Radiology’s annual meeting, and here are a few that got our attention.
RHIOs: Struggling to Bloom
For regional health information organizations and health information exchanges, the ultimate question is whether they can become sustainable. Effective planning can determine the answer.
Editor’s Note
What’s in the Toolbox?
Research Review
New Interventional Treatment Offers Hope for GVHD Patients
Managing to Succeed
Don’t Overlook Ergonomic Training
MRI Monitor
Researchers Use fMRI to Chart Creativity
Products and Services
News Scan
Dark-Field X-Rays May Soon Be Possible in Hospitals; fMRI Scratches the Surface of Itching; Minimally Invasive Biopsies May Be Viable Options for Suspected Lung Cancer Staging; Company News
Second Opinions
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Improving Accuracy — Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treatment
New techniques allow clinicians to target lung tumors with higher doses of radiation than ever before with less damage to surrounding tissue and fewer side effects.
Reporter’s Notebook: SIR 2008
Catch up on the latest news from the Society of Interventional Radiology’s annual meeting.
Nodule Characterization — PET Proves More Reliable Than CT
A groundbreaking, multisite study offers insight about how to best evaluate lung nodules.
Editor’s Note
Use Your Consumer Voice
PACS Platform
Covering the CIIP Certification Bases
Nuc Med Notes
Seeking an Earlier Diagnosis of Different Dementias
Research Review
PET/CT Shows Advantages Over CT Alone for Head and Neck Cancer; MRI Helps Predict Outcome of Cervical Cancer Treatment
News Scan
New colon cancer screening guidelines; MRI lends insight into schizophrenia
Target on Therapy
EBRT and IOERT: A Winning Combination
Products and Services
Radiology Coding
Radiologists Should Heed the OIG’s Agenda
Second Opinions
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As You Like It
When it comes to cutting radiology report turnaround times, speech recognition technology helps whether a facility uses it on the front or back end.
Optical Biopsy — Characterizing Tissue While It’s in the Body
Reducing the time between diagnosis and treatment generally results in better patient care, and new ultrasound techniques may help clinicians shorten that gap—possibly even allowing biopsies to be performed in real time.
Adjusting the Contrast for MRI
Because it doesn’t use radiation, MRI is generally considered a lower risk modality than CT. But concerns about nephrogenic systemic fibrosis and the need for faster turnaround times are driving manufacturers to develop more non–contrast-enhanced MRI exams.
Voluntary Patient Identifiers
If nationwide digital health information systems are going to gain traction, they’ll require unique patient identifiers, and voluntary ones may help the rubber meet the road.
Editor’s Note
The Court and the Watchdog
PACS Platform
PACS Commoditization
CT Slice
Physicists Release New CT Dose Management Report
Research Review
Inexpensive Drug Protects Kidneys From Iodine-Based Contrast Agents
News Scan
fMRI Study Finds Men More Likely to Become Addicted to Video Games; Combination Brachytherapy/Chemo Treatment for GBM Shows Promising Results; MDCT Reduces Missed Wrist Fractures
Interventional Update
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Stenting Versus Open Surgery
Products and Services
Second Opinions
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Caging the Paper Tiger
The proliferation of medical data can present challenges to medical facilities, especially in the areas of transfer and protection. Reducing the use of paper can provide time and cost savings—as long as the digital solution allows access to data when and where they are needed.
Bolder With Strokes
Early stroke treatment is crucial for minimizing brain damage, and early intervention with intra-arterial therapy offers hope for better outcomes.
Stenting Iliac Arteries — Self-Expanding Stents Treat Peripheral Artery Disease
Peripheral artery disease is commonly treated with stents, but new self-expanding stents add flexibility to the procedure.
Editor’s Note
Fish Gotta Swim, Imagers Gotta Image
PACS Platform
PACS Make Teleradiology Feasible; RIS Make Workflow Efficient
Research Review
Slick Coating Takes Aim at Restenosis Problems
News Scan
New studies of interventional procedures; FDA approves new products
Products and Services
Radiology Coding
Clearing the Cobwebs
Second Opinions
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Automated Breast Ultrasound
New breast ultrasound technology offers larger, consistent 3D views of breast tissue, and clinicians who have used it like what they’ve seen.
Reducing Dose in CT Scans
With the ever-increasing use of CT scans fueling concerns about radiation exposure, manufacturers are introducing CT features that reduce the dose.
Adjusting Contrast — One Size Does Not Fit All
Contrast is an important imaging tool, but not everyone needs the same amount of it. A new method of computing the dose allows for customization and potentially improves image quality while lowering cost and patient risk.
Personal Health Records — Balancing Privacy and Purpose
Privacy concerns get the most press, but there is another danger posed by personal health records—lack of use. While the debate about who should control access to health records continues, patient rights advocates, healthcare providers, and technology vendors are working to find common ground.
Editor’s Note
Automating Ultrasound
Interventional Update
Novel DVT Treatment Produces Positive Results
Mammography Matters
DMIST Update
Managing to Succeed
Sick Employees at Work
News Scan
Image Gently Campaign Emphasizes Child-sized Radiation Doses; Radiation Drug Bought by Department of Defense; Head of CNSC Ousted Over Chalk River Shutdown; Certain Prostate Cancer Patients May Benefit From Combination Therapy; Company News
Products and Services
Second Opinions
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Cooking Up Interoperability
As IT continues to connect disparate healthcare segments, the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise initiative keeps stirring the interoperability pot.
Structured Reporting — Speeding Clear Results to Referrers
With an ever-increasing emphasis on speed and user friendliness, structured reporting is helping create faster, clearer radiology reports.
Twin Peeks — Stereo Mammography’s Two Perspectives May Overcome One Mammography Limitation
An old process with a new twist is helping radiologists to see breast lesions in 3D, and the possibility of improving accuracy while reducing false positives looks promising.
Editor’s Note
PACS Platform
Reading the Future of Cardiology PACS
Mammography Matters
Comparing Mammography With Cone-beam CT; Questioning Digital Mammo’s Cost-effectiveness
Research Review
‘Pregnant’ Phantoms Should Improve Treatment Planning
News Scan
Examining Attitudes About BRCA Gene Testing in Children; Study Finds Gadolinium Contrast Reactions Rare; Molecules Block Breast Cancer’s Ability to Spread; FDA Approves Hitachi Proton Therapy System; Company News
Products and Services
Second Opinions
A double take on who said what and what is worth a second look
Scalable Digital Mammography
As more mammography centers convert to full-field digital mammography, the CR vs. DR debate intensifies. For one multisite mammography group, CR offered much-needed flexibility without sacrificing image quality.
CT Autopsy
A new study touts the potential benefits of CT scans as adjuncts to autopsies, but there are some barriers to getting the technology into medical examiners’ offices.
Sound of Progress
Although they faced initial concerns, facilities that adopted speech recognition technology have seen dramatic gains in productivity, along with substantial cost savings.
Editor’s Note
Charting the Course
Interventional Update
UFE Registry Finds 85% of Women Show Substantial Improvement
News Scan
New Ultrasound-guided Technique Alleviates Ortho Pain; High-dose Chemo Has Minimal Effect Treating Node-positive Breast Cancer; New Brain Tumor Treatment Shows Promise in Trial
MRI Monitor
fMRI Helps Scientists Explore Borderline Personality Disorder
Bone Matters
BMD Test Helps Predict ‘Silent’ Spinal Fractures
Target on Therapy
Study Finds Throat Cancer Patients Eat More Easily After IMRT
Mammography Matters
Researchers Compute Total Radiation Dose to Body; Study Finds BRCA1 Mutation More Common Among Some Hispanic and Young Black Women
Products and Services
Second Opinions
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A New Label
While MRI with contrast is still considered the gold standard, researchers are using arterial spin labeling to magnetize the water in blood cells and turn them into a patient’s personal contrast agent. A new study using this technique reported some interesting news about Alzheimer’s and high blood pressure.
Inflammatory Breast Cancer — PET/CT Takes on a Tough Challenge
Inflammatory breast cancer is much more aggressive than other breast malignancies. Clinicians are hoping that earlier diagnosis with FDG-PET/CT will allow them to begin aggressive treatment sooner.
Shoulder Relief — Intervening to Tame Tendonitis
An inexpensive, minimally invasive procedure offers potential relief to the many who suffer from calcific tendonitis of the shoulder.
PET — Differentiating Neurodegenerative Disorders
The early signs of Alzheimer’s are similar to other forms of age-related dementia. PET scanning is proving helpful in differentiating one disease from another.
Editor’s Note
New Year and New Features
PACS Platform
And the No. 1…
Nuclear Medicine Management
Nuclear Threat?
News Scan
Chalk River Reactor Back Online, Averting Molybdenum-99 Shortage; PET/CT Holds Promise for Pediatric Cancer Diagnosis; Study Looks at Adrenal Follow-up Imaging; Skin Injuries Can Be Avoided When Dose Is Monitored; Company News
Nuc Med Notes
PET Aids Adult Stem Cell Research
Products and Services
Radiology Coding Update
What’s New for 2008: Diagnostic Radiology CPT Coding Changes
Second Opinions
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