2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007
From the Heart
Researchers are perfecting the art of using 3D printing technology to produce patient-specific cardiac models. Find out how this process is shaping the future of cardiology and how 3D bioprinting could do the same for the heart transplant process.
Unified Response
The need for stronger collaboration among the fields of radiology, pathology, and genomics is growing. Integrated diagnostics could be key to strengthening interdependence and improving diagnosis.
Doing Without
Noncontrast MRI techniques, such as hierarchical template matching, represent the newest way that the radiology field is working to better diagnose cardiovascular disease.
Accessible Care
In rural areas, providing quality care poses both a challenge and an opportunity for radiologists. Specialists are looking toward technology as a means of improving accessibility and standardization for an underserved population.
Editor’s Note
Breaking Down Barriers
Imaging Informatics
Shall We Play a Game?
CT Slice
‘Smart Pilots’
Interventional News
A Hot ‘Tip’
Women’s Imaging
Past the Wire
More Than Meets the Eye
Harvesting subatomic nuances from conventional images, radiomics puts a fresh palette of diagnostic specificity—quantifiable to the last pixel—at the radiologist’s fingertips. New research out of Cleveland examines its astounding predictive potential.
Going to Market
As AI continues to gather steam in the industry, radiologists, vendors, and consumers are exchanging insights and technology via a blossoming app marketplace.
One for All?
Political adversaries are debating the prospect of a single-payer health care system and seem likely to continue to do so for some time. Experts examine the issue from a radiology standpoint.
Checking the Transmission
By sending a wave through an object, then noting its refraction, diffraction, and other metrics after it’s passed through, transmission ultrasound is offering an intriguing counterpoint and adjunct to traditional mammography.
Editor’s Note
That Time of Year Again
Imaging Informatics
How AI Is Tackling Alzheimer’s Disease
MRI Monitor
An Ounce of Prevention
News Scan
Molecular Imaging News
From Outsourced to Insourced
Managing to Succeed
The Latest Trend in ‘Planar’ Imaging
Sharper Contrast
Radiologists continue their quest to elevate patient outcomes while minimizing risks. Contrast-enhanced mammography, a method incorporating iodine into the diagnostic process, fine-tunes sensitivity and dials down the quantity of false-positives.
Hot Takes
Technologies, procedures, professional societies, awareness campaigns, accreditation requirements, regulations—numerous factors figure prominently in the widening effort to reduce exposure risks for radiology staffers and patients. We’ll take a look at where things stand.
Data-Driven Performance
Harnessing a trove of real-time, actionable information and promptly delivering it where it is most needed, data analytics is having an effect that can be felt resoundingly in every corner of the modern radiology practice.
Facing Disaster
Health care practitioners must be ever vigilant to stay ahead of any unforeseen crisis. Find out what radiologists are doing to protect against uncertainties without missing a beat in the present.
Reporter’s Notebook: News From SNMMI 2019
Zero in on some highlights from the organization’s annual meeting and catch up on the latest industry chatter.
Editor’s Note
Following the Trends
Imaging Informatics
On Track
Billing and Coding
Compliant Coding and Documentation for Physician Assistants
Ultrasound News
Launching Pad
Less Margin for Error
New advances in imaging technology indicate that there is enormous possibility for more accurately calculating tumor margins. We take a look at how these advanced devices and methods can potentially help not only surgeons, but radiologists as well.
From the Drawing Board to the Clinic
Recent findings have shown that MRI can be a useful tool in examining demyelinating disorders—in particular, multiple sclerosis. Through brain imaging scans, researchers have made promising discoveries in regard to the specifics of demyelination.
Smart Look
With the transition from CR to DR complete across a wide swath of the industry, there is a wealth of potential for AI to improve image quality, informatics, and diagnoses. We examine some of the key features of the latest tech that is poised to improve DR.
Lack of Awareness
Proton therapy is an emerging treatment for several types of cancer due to its targeted radiation. We outline some of the benefits and drawbacks of proton therapy, and how it’s projected to grow in the coming years.
Editor’s Note
Iterative Thinking
Imaging Informatics
Tuning Up Physician Communications
CT Slice
Properly Vetted
Women’s Imaging
Breast Density and Risk-Based Screening
News Scan
Second OpinionsFEATURES
Ensemble Approach
By utilizing several different AI applications, imaging informatics can be optimized for both radiologists and their patients. We examine the ways this technology is developing and its practical uses in patient care.
Perspective Matters
New guidelines from the American College of Physicians have sparked a new round of discussions about breast cancer screening intervals, and experts with contrasting opinions on the subject are weighing in.
Impactful Decision
The mention of clinical decision support/authorized use criteria changes may have some filled with dread, but the effects of this legislation are not all negative. We take a look at how health care facilities can manage this new requirement and engineer a low-stress transition into their practices.
Picture This
As imaging displays improve, so does the efficiency and quality of radiological care. Several vanguards of this new technology explain how these improvements refine calibration, accuracy, and color when it comes to medical imaging.
Editor’s Note
Alternate Views
Ultrasound News
Noninvasive Cancer Imaging
Billing and Coding
A View From Health Care’s Leading Edge
Managing to Succeed
A New Lease on Technology
Interventional News
UFE Safer, Equally Effective as Surgery for Uterine Fibroids
Oncology News
AI Streamlines Ovarian Cancer Prognosis
A Game of Catch-Up
The radiology industry still leaves much of its data and analytics in the hands of humans. We’ll explore how, through the collaboration of AI and human decision making, analytical processes can be streamlined to operate more effectively for both patients and clinicians.
Rad Changes
A concern in the digital era for radiological technologists is poor ergonomics in the workplace. We’ll consider ways in which technologists can become more ergonomically aware on the job, as well as how hospitals can improve the function of their workspace to minimize injury.
Apt Description
Radiologists must face the issue of how and when to provide reports to both patients and providers. This decision, though, falls to each practice to determine what is best for their patient demographic. We take a look at some variables to consider.
Urgent Need
Due to a rise in demand for urgent care centers, these clinics must adapt to more efficiently and accurately treat patients. Ultrasound is fulfilling this need in many ways; we’ll help you get a read on where radiology fits into this evolving business model.
Editor’s Note
Some Catching Up to Do
MRI Monitor
Quick Take
Imaging Informatics
There’s an App for That
Machine Learning
Fresh Perspective
Oncology News
Just What the Doctor Ordered
News Scan
Second OpinionsFEATURES
The Whole Picture
Given its sensitivity, PET has long been perceived as the go-to modality for noninvasive functional imaging. However, its signal-to-noise ratio has presented challenges. Total-body PET/CT, a new integration of the two technologies, is poised to change things for the better.
Is Lung Cancer Screening Underused?
A growing body of evidence suggests that low-dose CT screening can significantly reduce mortality for smokers. We take a look at efforts to realize the potential of this preventive measure, as well as some variables that are shaping the narrative.
Casting a Wider Net
Once considered a stopgap measure, teleradiology has come into its own, becoming a first-line option and an indispensable adjunct to the modern radiology practice.
Peerless Review
The longstanding peer review model has its advantages and drawbacks. Several innovators have prototyped a new peer learning model and are eager to share their very promising results.
Editor’s Note
Network Connectivity
Imaging Informatics
Bold Investments in AI
Interventional News
Prostate Artery Embolization for BPH
Women’s Imaging
Breast Density 2019: Are You Ready?
Managing to Succeed
Recipe for Success
A Softer Touch
Reconstructive surgery is an art that imitates life. With the help of cutting-edge photogrammetry, physicians are taking 3D-generated prosthetics to the next level; we’ll share some strategies for optimizing outcomes for patients throughout the life cycle.
The Case for Compartmentalizing
While strides are being made and countless lives are being saved, breast cancer diagnosis is still associated with considerable anxiety, time, and expense. A new approach, three-compartment breast imaging, may be just what the doctor ordered.
A Truer Measure of Addiction
Can the physiological attributes of a substance abuser be quantified, even mitigated? Radiologists are chiming in on this age-old conundrum, and we think you’ll agree that their findings merit a prominent place in the discussion.
High-Yield Imaging
A steadily evolving modality, MRI is fast becoming an indispensable diagnostic and predictive asset. Radiology Today checks in with some key players in the industry, who’ll bring you up to speed on some potentially game-changing refinements.
Reporter’s Notebook: News From SIR 2019
The Society of Interventional Radiology’s annual event, recently held in Austin, Texas, was a trove of information and insight; check out some of our favorite take-aways.
Editor’s Note
Effective Measures
Oncology News
A Viable Alternative
CT Slice
Upward Mobility
News Scan
Second OpinionsFEATURES
Enterprising Ideas
As radiology practices concede that the longstanding PACS model faces an uphill battle in keeping up with the times, vendor-neutral archives and enterprise imaging are figuring prominently in the discussion.
No Small Feat
Physicians face daunting odds when treating a young patient who is diagnosed with liver cancer. We are pleased to report that a new IR-centric, catheter-based option utilizing TARE-Y90 is delivering hope—and results.
A New Frontier
Trending steadily upward with the help of innovative enhancements, DR is helping radiologists achieve multiple goals: improved image quality, reduced dose, and, ultimately, a significantly enhanced patient experience.
Slow Burn
Radiologists are not immune to stress-related consequences on the job. We check in with experts on addressing the particular aspects of burnout associated with the profession.
Editor’s Note
Fresh Ideas
Imaging Informatics
Deidentification Done Right
CT Slice
Complication Rates, Costs of Lung Procedures May Be Underestimated
Managing to Succeed
Opportunity and Concern: A New World of Patient Data
Ultrasound News
Calibrated Therapy
News Scan
Second OpinionsFEATURES
With heart arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation on the rise, catheter ablation is continuing to gain traction in the industry. Some effective new tools, including intracardiac echocardiography and electroanatomic mapping systems, are improving the odds of long-term success.
A Feeling Out Process
Using a cutting-edge technique that applies mathematical equations to measured greyscale pixels, tumor texture analysis produces nuanced cancer images that can streamline the diagnostic process.
Fits Like a Glove
Versatility, suitability for outpatient scenarios, even the ever-present promise of AI—all figure prominently in the fast-evolving C-arm landscape. Radiology Today puts the latest information at your fingertips to keep your practice ahead of the curve.
Bubbling Up
The blood-brain barrier must be approached with caution, particularly when medication must cross the threshold. An ingenious technique that utilizes microbubbles—lipids full of gas—in conjunction with focused ultrasound is enabling physicians to more effectively penetrate the brain’s protective layer.
Editor’s Note
On Target
Imaging Informatics
Fear, Hype, Hope, and Reality
Billing and Coding
Getting Specific With Unlisted CPT Codes
News Scan
Second OpinionsFEATURES
More Than a Quick Peek
With digital refinements moving to the forefront, MRI technologies are advancing rapidly and improved visualization is quickly becoming available. Manufacturers are working hard to integrate the latest software and hardware technologies into their scanners; we'll take a deep dive and make sure you're up to speed.
Head Start
Alzheimer's disease is profoundly affecting quality of life for an alarming number of American families, with projections steadily increasing as the population ages. While there is no cure and prospects remain limited, a deep learning algorithm could make a substantial difference in the all-important predictive stages.
Screen Plays
Given that scans show dense breast tissue as white, and cancers appear white as well, cancers can be harder to spot among women with dense breast tissue. Augmented intelligence, however, is making strides to level the playing field for this at-risk population.
Limited Exposure
We examine how some experts are streamlining their efforts to reduce cumulative radiation doses for everyone—internal and external—affected by the radiology process.
Editor's Note
Rapid Response
Reporter's Notebook
News From RSNA 2018
Managing to Succeed
Should Biomedical Engineers Service Imaging Equipment?
Interventional News
Radical Departure
News Scan
Second OpinionsFEATURES
A Swarm of Insight
AI continues to assert itself in the radiology world. The latest? A research team has shown that when doctors work together in real time and combine their expertise with AI, they can diagnose the presence of pneumonia with even more accuracy than either alone. We'll find out what this means going forward.
A Link to a Better Marketplace?
Blockchain has the potential to link digital imaging players more efficiently and securely than ever, but there are a number of variables to consider. In this article, industry experts weigh in on scalability, long-term considerations, and getting in synch with this fast-evolving marketplace.
The 411 on CTC
CT colonography is getting its fair share of attention lately as lawmakers push for Medicaid coverage and physicians reconsider screening intervals. Radiology Today takes a look at the latest developments that are shaping the discussions.
5 Things to Watch in 2019: Observations From RSNA 2018
RSNA 2018 provided a fountain of insights about up-and-coming developments in the radiology world. Check out our list of the top five things we'll be keeping an eye on as the year unfolds.
Editor's Note
A Page Turner
Ultrasound News
Sound Idea
Billing and Coding
Another New Year of Codes
News Scan
MRI Monitor
Toning Down the Contrast
Letter to the Editor
Second Opinions