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December 2013


The Right Fit
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Altoona Regional Health System has found a way to balance physician autonomy with the security and benefits of hospital employment.

Completing the Call
Read about critical test results management systems, which help ensure major radiology findings flow quickly from the radiologist to the physician.

Reporter’s Notebook: ASTRO 2013
Learn about the latest research findings presented at ASTRO’s annual meeting this fall.

MRgFUS — Looking Beyond Uterine Fibroids
While this noninvasive procedure primarily is used to treat uterine fibroids, experts agree that it may be used for other complications, such as metastatic bone tumors.


Editor’s Note
Hospital Practice Ownership

Radiology Billing and Coding
Is Your Documentation Ready for ICD-10?

Imaging Informatics
Cloud-Based CT Dose Monitoring

MRI Monitor
Turn Down the Volume

On the Case

Women’s Imaging News
Women Prefer Less Invasive Fibroid Treatment; Ultrasound May Prevent Misdiagnoses of Nonviable Pregnancy

Products and Services

Product & Service Showcase


Second Opinions

November 2013


Successful Dose of Monitoring
The director of imaging services at White Memorial Medical Center in California discusses his facility’s dose reduction program.

Analytics — From Data to Decision
Experts weigh in on data management tools and the challenges and opportunities they present.

Emergency Response
Learn about the ongoing debate regarding the use of coronary CT angiography in low- to moderate-risk patients presenting with chest pain in the emergency department.

Stroke Treatment Dispute
After three studies concluded no significant benefit with intra-arterial ischemic stroke revascularization, the Society of Interventional Radiology released a position paper responding to the studies’ findings.

RSNA Road Map
Our annual guide to the RSNA exhibit hall.


Editor’s Note
Who Are You Working For?

Radiology Billing and Coding
The Ups and Downs of Computer Assistance

Imaging Informatics
Harness IT Tools to Prove Quality

On the Case

Guest Commentary
On Common Sense in Radiology

Women’s Imaging News
Perioperative MRI May Not Reduce DCIS Recurrence; AccuDetect Mammo CAD Earns FDA Approval

Managing to Succeed
Five Common ICD-10 Myths

Interventional Update
A New PICC Play

News Scan

Products and Services

Product & Service Showcase


Second Opinions

October 2013


Ready for the Future?
Radiologists will need to rethink and adapt their roles as the US health care system changes in the coming years.

Deadline Passed
Read about the new HIPAA rules to determine whether your organization is compliant.

RAC Appeals
Learn how hospitals and providers may better recoup funds with electronic submissions during the appeals process.

Challenges and Opportunities
RSNA President Sarah S. Donaldson, MD, provided Radiology Today with four issues facing radiology.

Bone Density Testing
With reduced reimbursement and access to DXA scans, bone density testing is moving from private practitioners to radiology centers.


Editor’s Note
Working on a New Response

Radiology Billing and Coding
Arming Yourself With Analytics

Imaging Informatics
Data Analysis: Tomorrow’s Clinical Tool

News Scan

On the Case

Ultrasound News
Breast Cancer Screening

Research Review

Product & Service Showcase

Target on Therapy

Products and Services


Second Opinions

September 2013


Up and Running Fast
Learn how Toshiba’s 640-slice CT scanner is finding its role in US hospitals.

Partner Compensation
Three medical business consultants provide insight on radiology groups’ partner-level income division.

Looking for PET/MR’s Role
Still mostly a research tool, doctors are learning how to use this hybrid imaging tool.

Shopping for Equipment
Industry pros offer tips on how and when to purchase preowned imaging equipment and upgrades.

2013 Annual Buyers’ Guide
Don’t miss our annual directory of the latest imaging products and services.


Editor’s Note
Partner Compensation

Women’s Imaging News
Tomo Finds More Cancer, Cuts Recall 30% in Study; Some ALH and LCIS Lesions May Not Require Surgery

Imaging Informatics
How Residents Use iPads

Radiology Billing and Coding
Improve Your Revenue Integrity

On the Case

News Scan

Products and Services


Second Opinions

August 2013


Outside Images: When to Report?
With many facilities loading outside images into their PACS, imaging and IT pros discuss when to report on them and how to determine the liability risk.

Protecting Providers
Companies reveal their latest dose-reduction efforts to help interventional radiologists measure and reduce radiation exposure.

Adding Value
Recent studies suggest that if findings from negative breast biopsies match pathology results, then patients can prolong follow-up imaging for 12 months.

Increasing Cloudiness
Learn how digital image sharing through cloud-based solutions may help improve health care and lower costs.


Editor’s Note
Approaching Accountable Care

Imaging Informatics
Second Opinions Online

Ultrasound News

Managing to Succeed
How to Read a Service Contract

On the Case

News Scan

Product & Service Showcase

Radiology Billing and Coding
Orders: To Do or Not to Do? That Is the Question


Second Opinions

July 2013


Multiple-Choice Test
Nuclear stress testing is the standard in assessing blood flow to the heart, but researchers are suggesting that PET, CT, MR, and ultrasound also have benefits.

Flexible Value
While DR use is growing in hospitals, CR has found a new market in smaller facilities, including imaging centers and clinics.

SNMMI Reporter’s Notebook
Here’s a look at the latest innovations presented at the society’s annual meeting last month.

Improving Dictation
Learn how to ditch bad dictating habits to help increase efficiency and reimbursement for your radiology practice.


Editor’s Note
Scientific Artists

Imaging Informatics
Data’s Changing Role in Radiology’s Future

Radiology Billing and Coding
Managing Managed Care Contracts

On the Case

Managing to Succeed
Change Ahead

Interventional Update

Technology Trends
Zinc-Based Stent May Dissolve in Healed Arteries; Tool Identifies Best Treatment for Heart Disease Patients

Product & Service Showcase

News Scan

Research Review

Products and Services


Second Opinions

June 2013


Technology Update: DR
Industry experts comment on the increasing use of direct DR and the current innovations in the field, such as mobile systems and dose management.

Final Days for Preliminary Reads? Part 2
In the second part of Radiology Today’s discussion on preliminary vs. final reads, hospitals and on-site radiologists provide their opinions on the subject.

Rolling Again
Teamwork, mobile units, and flexibility restored imaging services to NYU Langone in just under two months.

Breast Tomosynthesis
Once received with skepticism, this 3D mammography tool has grown in popularity with its provided benefits, such as fewer callbacks, but radiologists suggest that protocols on when to use it are needed.


Editor’s Note
Final Reads and the Future

Imaging Informatics
Managing Outside CDs

Radiology Billing and Coding
What’s Changing (and How to Keep Up)

Managing to Succeed
Maturation, Commoditization, and Practice Survival

On the Case

Women’s Imaging News
Ultrasound Finds Cancers Missed in Dense Breasts; DR Mammography Finds More Cancers Than CR

CT Slice
CT and Serum LDH May Someday Predict Melanoma Survival

Product & Service Showcase

News Scan

Products and Services

Molecular Imaging News
Tracer Seeks Tau-Bearing Lesions in Brain; Optics, Radiotracers Map Brain Circuits in Moving Animals


Second Opinions

May 2013


Sharing Images
A hospital and a radiology group provide insight into their adoption of vendor-neutral archives, including the challenges of implementation and how to utilize them to meet different organizational needs.

SIR 2013 Reporter’s Notebook
Here’s a roundup of some important studies discussed at the society’s annual meeting.

Final Days for Preliminary Reads?
In part one of Radiology Today’s discussion on preliminary reads, radiologists provide their opinions on the subject and whether final reads alone will become the new standard.

Imaging Informatics Buyers’ Guide


Editor’s Note
Trading Quality for Quantity?

Imaging Informatics
Fostering Innovation

MRI Monitor
DTI Can Help Map Cancer Surgery

Technology Trends
Data Mining

Managing to Succeed
Don’t Forget Nonclinical Productivity

On the Case

Molecular Imaging News
Could Amyloids Fight Some Neuro Diseases?; Nuc Med V/Q Study May Someday Diagnose COPD

Radiology Billing and Coding
Getting Physicians Ready for ICD-10

Products and Services

Women’s Imaging News
Breast Cancer Screening Needs Personalization; Tilmanocept May Improve Sentinel Node Detection

News Scan
Study Finds CTC Use Appropriate in Medicare Population; Image Postprocessing Software Wins 510(k) Clearance; PET and Stroke Risk May Help Predict Dementia


Second Opinions

April 2013


Amyloid Imaging: Societies Produce Guidelines for Amyvid PET Use
With the FDA approving PET tracers for amyloid imaging, SNMMI and the Alzheimer’s Association created a task force to develop guidelines for the new technology’s clinical use.

Technology Update: CT — Customer Expectations After the Slice War
Dose reduction, workflow, and right-sizing an organization’s scanner fleet are the top objectives in today’s CT market, according to industry experts.

Choosing Wisely, Part 2
Here’s the campaign’s second batch of recommendations for tests and procedures “patients and physicians should question,” including imaging procedures and the reasons they were chosen.

UFE and the Urinary Tract
New research highlights uterine fibroid embolization as a positive treatment choice for women suffering from lower urinary tract symptoms.


Editor’s Note
IT in Training or IT Training? Yes.

Imaging Informatics
IT Has a Dual Role for Residents

Radiology Billing and Coding
Talking ICD-10

News Scan

Women’s Imaging News
Women Need Heart Disease Management After Radiation; Breast Cancer May Trigger PTSD Symptoms

On the Case

Spring Product & Service Showcase

Second Opinions

March 2013


Looking for a Leg Up
As cases of peripheral artery disease increase, physicians are looking toward the Zilver PTX stent to improve treatment for many patients.

Radiology Today Interview: Scott C. Goodwin, MD, FSIR
SIR’s president-elect discusses the future of interventional radiology and his objectives for the coming year.

Intervening to Avoid Hysterectomy
By performing uterine artery balloon occlusion, interventional radiologists can help pregnant women diagnosed with placenta accreta avoid hysterectomy after giving birth.

CT Colonography’s Slow Progress
Virtual colonography appears to be moving toward approval for Medicare reimbursement, but advocates don’t expect that to happen before 2015.

IR Product & Service Showcase


Editor’s Note

Imaging Informatics
Mind Your Ps and ‘QRS’

Ultrasound News
Choosing Sonography Exams Wisely

On the Case

CT Slice
Studies Examine Scan Risk and Benefits

News Scan

Products and Services


Radiology Billing and Coding
ICD-10 Readiness

Second Opinions

February 2013


Ultrasound First
The AIUM’s Ultrasound First campaign asks physicians to consider the many benefits of using ultrasound as the primary imaging modality instead of CT or MRI.

Error Reports
Here are some helpful tips on how to use error rates as significant assessments of an organization’s coding staff and incentive plan.

Technology Update: MRI
Manufacturers’ latest developments in MRI technology are made with the patient’s comfort in mind.

Eight Steps to Better Strategic Planning
With rising costs and lower reimbursement rates, radiology groups need a facilitator to help plan ahead and ensure success through realistic goals.


Editor’s Note

Imaging Informatics
Automated Lesion Tracking

Radiology Billing and Coding
Seven Steps to Hiring the Right Coder

Women’s Imaging News
Tomosynthesis With Mammo Boosts Cancer Detection; Genetic Differences May Predict Tamoxifen Response

On the Case

Guest Commentary
Interventional Oncology: Endovascular Treatments Offer Survival Benefit and Palliation

Molecular Imaging News
Companion Imaging Diagnostics for Targeted Therapies

Products and Services

News Scan


Second Opinions

January 2013


5 Things to Watch in 2013
Once again, Radiology Today narrows down talking points from RSNA to the five we believe are noteworthy for this year and beyond.

RSNA 2012 Reporter’s Notebook
Here are a few highlights of the information presented during this annual radiology conference.

Reporting to Patients
A session at RSNA 2012 discussed how the practice is growing—and that radiologists’ concerns about providing reports directly to patients really haven’t come true.

Early Ultrasound: Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Younger Women
New research looks at ultrasound as a diagnostic tool for women aged 30 to 39 presenting with breast cancer symptoms.


Editor’s Note

Imaging Informatics
Direct Image Transfer

Radiology Billing and Coding
Coding Changes for 2013

Ultrasound News
AIUM Recognizes ARRT Sonography Certification; Ultrasound Useful for Evaluating Rheumatoid Arthritis

On the Case

Women’s Imaging News
Stereoscopic Mammography Could Reduce Recall Rate; Study Looks at USPSTF Mammo Guidelines; Multiple Scans While Young Doubles Breast Cancer Risk

Technology Trends
Voice Recognition Technology for Structured Reporting

Products and Services

News Scan

Product & Service Showcase


Second Opinions