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Up and Running Fast Learn how Toshiba’s 640-slice CT scanner is finding its role in US hospitals. Read more »
Partner Compensation Three medical business consultants provide insight on radiology groups’ partner-level income division. Read more »
Looking for PET/MR’s Role Still mostly a research tool, doctors are learning how to use this hybrid imaging tool. Read more »
Shopping for Equipment Industry pros offer tips on how and when to purchase preowned imaging equipment and upgrades. Read more » |
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Kid-Friendly Imaging Rooms
Ease Fears The Children’s Hospital at Pittsburgh features kid-friendly imaging rooms to help reduce children’s anxiety and the need for sedation, according to RSNA.
Younger Women May Require Mammograms Contrary to US Preventive Services Task Force’s recommendation, Harvard researchers found that younger women between the ages of 40 and 49 may benefit from breast cancer screenings, TIME reports.
Military Physicians Use
Ultrasound Techniques
A team of interventional radiologists at Nationwide Children’s Hospital are training military physicians to remove shrapnel with ultrasound-guided techniques, according to its press release.
PET, PET/CT May Not Benefit Esophageal Cancer Patients Research suggests PET and PET/CT may not result in less procedures or increase survival for esophageal cancer patients, as reported by Medscape. |