CT is invaluable for lung imaging, and researchers are continually finding new ways to evaluate patients’ progress and response to therapy. This month, we’re highlighting a couple of studies with interesting findings.
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— Dave Yeager, editor |
Lung Damage May Persist Long After COVID-19 Pneumonia
The COVID-19 pandemic has considerably increased the demand for acute and postacute health care worldwide. COVID-19’s short-term effects on the lungs, such as pneumonia, are well documented, but much less is known about the illness’ long-term effects. According to a study published recently in Radiology, some people recovering from COVID-19 pneumonia have CT evidence of damage to their lungs that persists a full year after the onset of symptoms.
As part of an Austria-based observational study on the development of lung disease in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection, researchers looked at patterns and rates of improvement of chest CT abnormalities in patients one year after COVID-19 pneumonia. CT has been an important imaging tool in the workup of patients suspected of having COVID-19.
The researchers assessed lung abnormalities on chest CT in 91 participants with a mean age of 59 years at several points over one year after the onset of COVID-19 symptoms. At one year, CT abnormalities were present in 49 (54%) of the 91 participants. Of these 49 participants, two (4%) had received outpatient treatment only, while 25 (51%) were treated on a general hospital ward and 22 (45%) had received ICU treatment.
“The observed chest CT abnormalities from our study are indicative of damaged lung tissue,” says study coauthor Anna Luger, MD, from the department of radiology at Innsbruck Medical University in Austria. “However, it is currently unclear if they represent persistent scarring and whether they regress over time or lead to pulmonary fibrosis.”
Full story » |
A Joint Resolution
We take a look at recent advancements in embolization and ablation geared toward reducing pain and improving quality of life for those suffering ailments of the knee. Read more »
Uno ‘Dose Trace’
In an industry where undue stress is already being placed on frontline personnel, we get the scoop on everything being done—including cutting-edge AI-supported metrics—to minimize dose exposure for techs and patients. Read more »
If You Build It, They Will Come (Back)
Lessons from a reading room renovation. Read more »
The Key Financial Tailwinds of 2022
We examine key financial trends in the health care sector and dial in on those that are most pertinent to radiology. Read more » |
“With this new technology, it will allow us to see more than 2,000 patients a year, up from 1,218 patients in the past. IR offers patients a less painful procedure with less blood loss, lower risk of infection, and faster recovery time."
— Mitesh Mehta, MD, a radiologist at Markham Stouffville Hospital in Ontario, Canada, on the hospital's new AI-powered IR suite, as reported in the Toronto Star |
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