Although the Society of Interventional Radiology has canceled this year’s annual meeting, there will no doubt be news on the latest IR advances coming soon. This month’s e-News Exclusive provides a couple of the latest updates. Let us know what you think this year’s important developments in IR will be on Twitter and/or Facebook.
On another note, all of us at Radiology Today wish you strength, patience, and most of all, good health, as you navigate the significant challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
— Dave Yeager, editor |
SIR Issues Position Statement on Endovascular Interventions in Trauma Care
The Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) has published a position statement outlining the parameters trauma centers need to meet when using endovascular interventions to treat cases of traumatic injury. The position statement, recently published in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, was written by a multidisciplinary group of experts composed of members from IR, trauma surgery, orthopedic surgery, and vascular surgery.
“Endovascular intervention plays a critical role in the care of the trauma patient, improving survival, reducing morbidity, and decreasing blood loss,” says SIR president Laura Findeiss, MD, FSIR. “When delivered promptly, it is highly effective in treating bleeds throughout the body, including in the liver, spleen, kidneys, and pelvis—saving lives and saving function.”
While traumatic injury is the leading cause of death for people younger than 45, the mortality rates have dropped due to better integration of multidisciplinary care, faster access to advanced imaging and interventions, and use of nonoperative management in specific scenarios.
“This position statement sets out important recommendations to ensure that the appropriate level of knowledge and expertise are available among all members of the trauma team to ensure that the right care is delivered as swiftly as possible,” Findeiss says.
Full story » |
One-Stop Shop
The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, has prototyped a Hybrid Procedural Suite that incorporates an array of imaging modalities into one patent-centric theater. The result, they say, represents a quantum leap forward in tumor ablation. Read more »
Second Sight Radiology Today profiles high-tech holography that can couple a 3D anatomical rendering with real-time observation of a patient’s body. Though the possibilities are endless, clinicians are harnessing its ability to address the particulars of rib injuries, spinal matters, and pediatric cardiology. Read more »
Hocus POCUS?
Point-of-care ultrasound has blossomed into a go-to modality for time-sensitive situations. However, as technological advancements may be outpacing regulatory agencies and safety protocols, some are suggesting that radiologists tap the brakes. Read more »
Smooth Moves
In the modern radiology practice, the fluoroscopy room is being called upon to accommodate an ever-expanding array of must-haves. We’ll take a look at the ways a number of innovators are answering the call. Read more » |
“You could imagine isolating patient cells from a tumor biopsy, culturing them on a 96-well plate, then treating with different drugs to see whether they affect how these cells migrate and divide.”
— Ian Y. Wong, PhD, of Rhode Island’s Brown University, regarding 3D analysis of cell behavior using traction force microscopy, as described in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
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Near-Transparency Approach Heralds New Imaging Horizons
An initiative out of Germany has focused on removing pigments and fats from living cells, rendering organs virtually transparent, the researchers say. The proof-of-concept method is inspiring next-level 3D imaging possibilities, according to an article in Cell.
Ultrasonic Waves Enable Remote Access to Cell Phones
A team from Washington University in St. Louis has reportedly demonstrated that ultrasound waves can, unbeknownst to the owner, remotely commandeer cell phones. A paper presented at a recent symposium details the scope of possibilities and potential countermeasures.
Nonlinear ‘Ghost Imaging’ Harnesses Terahertz Spectrum
A new technique that delivers detailed images using the far-infrared waveband promises unprecedented, yet harmless, imaging possibilities, according to researchers at the United Kingdom’s University of Sussex, whose findings are published in Optica.
Tabletop Robot Takes Blood Samples Using AI, Imaging
Rutgers University engineers have reportedly created a robot that can draw blood and insert catheters to deliver medications, using advanced tech to pinpoint blood vessels with minimal supervision, according to a report in Nature Machine Intelligence. |
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