Focused ultrasound is an intriguing technology. It’s currently FDA approved to treat essential tremor, but researchers are exploring many additional applications. This month, we’re highlighting a couple of presentations from RSNA 2019 that proposed exciting possibilities for focused ultrasound therapy.
We’re also pleased to announce the launch of our USMLE study guide. Each year, medical students take the United States Medical Licensing Exam, which comes with a large dose of medical images. The USMLE study guide presents normal anatomy as well as a range of medical conditions. You can view it here. The first installment is focused on the gastrointestinal system, but we’ll be adding more body systems on a regular basis. Medical students and the medically curious alike will find plenty to pique their interest. Let us know what you think on Twitter and/or Facebook.
— Dave Yeager, editor |
Ultrasound News From RSNA 2019
Minimally Invasive Procedure Relieves Parkinson’s Tremors
A procedure that applies pulses of focused ultrasound to the brain is safe and effective for reducing tremors and improving quality of life in people with essential tremor or Parkinson’s disease tremor, according to a study presented at RSNA 2019. Tremors are rhythmic, involuntary muscle movements that cause shaking in one or more parts of the body, usually in the hands. They are characteristic of movement disorders such as essential tremor and Parkinson’s, two progressive conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. Previous treatment options for reducing tremors in patients who have not responded to medical therapy include deep brain stimulation, a surgical procedure that involves implanting a small electrode in the brain connected to a pulse generator that is implanted in the chest like a pacemaker.
A more recently available option is MR-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) thalamotomy, an incisionless IR procedure in which focused beams of sound energy are used to heat and destroy a small part of a structure in the brain called the thalamus. The procedure gives relief to the opposite side of the body, meaning that treatment to the right side of the brain would relieve tremors on the left side of the body and vice versa. As a minimally invasive approach, focused ultrasound has advantages over deep brain stimulation, including a reduced risk of complications from bleeding and infections, according to study lead author Federico Bruno, MD, a radiologist in the department of biotechnological and applied clinical sciences at the University of L’Aquila in Italy.
“Another advantage is the immediate effect this treatment provides, unlike deep brain stimulation which requires a break-in period for the electrostimulation,” Bruno said. “Additionally, treatment with MRgFUS requires shorter hospitalization and is a fairly well-tolerated procedure, even by more fragile patients.”
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“While AI systems may be able to detect routine medical problems based on predefined criteria, there is significant value provided by a trained radiologist that software simply cannot replace. This includes the clinical correlation of images with the physical state of the patient, qualitative assessments of past images with current images to determine progression of disease, and ultimately the most human aspect of medicine—working with other health care teams to make collaborative care decisions.”
— Sai Balasubramanian, JD, in a Forbes commentary examining the role of AI in radiological practice |
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CT Scans Yield Insights on Coronavirus
Utilizing radiologic lung images, researchers have zeroed in on several key indicators of the deadly coronavirus infection. The study suggests strategies in the early detection and diagnosis of those affected by this pressing health issue, according to the researchers, whose findings are published in the journal Radiology.
3D Extrapolation Suggests Vocal Characteristics of Ancient Mummy Scientific Reports reveals that a CT analysis of a 3,000-year-old mummy has yielded a 3D rendering of the mummy’s vocal tract. This technology, the researchers indicate, makes it possible to associate a human vocal sound with the remains.
Laser Technology Promises Touch-Free Ultrasound
MIT researchers have unveiled a new laser-centric imaging modality that, they say, can render quality ultrasound images from several feet away. The technology will prove ideal for situations when injuries preclude direct contact with the skin, while simultaneously eliminating patient exposure to radiation, the researchers indicate.
US, UK Spearhead International Imaging Collaborative
Several United States–based organizations are working in conjunction with the United Kingdom’s Bath University to improve the performance of topically applied drug products. The effort, which incorporates advanced Raman spectroscopy, promises to further understanding of drugs’ interaction with the skin, PharmaTimes reports. |
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