SNMMI holds its annual meeting next month in Anaheim, California. Whether it’s more effective cancer imaging, better insight into brain diseases, new theranostic approaches, or some other innovation, there’s sure to be a lot of interesting research presented. In advance of the big meeting, we’re including some recent news from the society in this month’s newsletter.
What do you think the next big development in nuclear medicine will be? Let us know on Twitter and/or Facebook.
— Dave Yeager, editor |
NRC Considers Additional Training, Experience Requirements for Radiopharmaceuticals
Earlier this month, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published a notice in the Federal Register announcing a 30-day public comment period and two public meetings on the NRC staff’s draft approaches regarding training and experience requirements for administration of radiopharmaceuticals requiring a written directive.
This is one of several information-gathering activities that will help the agency decide whether to open this issue to rule making. The society’s expert work group will address the open notice and questions included in the notice. Although SNMMI will be submitting comments, all members are encouraged to submit their own comments. The comment period will end on June 3, 2019.
The NRC is also accepting oral comments during public meetings, which will be accessible for remote participation by moderated bridge line and webinar. NRC’s public meeting website will be updated with meeting details.
Full story » |
Researchers Foil fMRI ‘Lie Detector’
Functional MRI holds promise as a forensic detector of deception, but it can be defeated by certain mental countermeasures, according to researchers at the United Kingdom’s University of Plymouth. The findings, published in Human Brain Mapping, could assist in the refinement of the technique, the authors say.
Hospital Scan Yields Insights on Ancient Peruvian Mummy
Mummification goes way back in the Peruvian culture, with some estimates suggesting 7,000 years ago, well ahead of Egypt. When a Scranton, Pennsylvania, museum wanted a fresh look at a rare specimen, a local hospital’s imaging department was just the ticket.
UK Reports Shortages of Radiology Personnel, Radiotracers
While a survey from England’s Royal College of Radiologists indicates that the United Kingdom’s radiology departments remain critically understaffed, The Guardian reports that matters overseas are further hampered by a shortage of the radiotracer choline.
Fluorescence Imaging Precisely Targets Tumors
MIT researchers have reported success in using laser-illuminated nanotubes, which offer impressive resolution and penetration depth in living tissue, to pinpoint miniscule tumors in mice. The technique is well suited for the challenges associated with ovarian cancer, according to a study published in ACS Nano. |
“Radiation oncology and cancer patients have been particularly hard hit by prior authorization’s unnecessary burden and interference in care decisions. Radiation oncologists increasingly are restricted from exercising our clinical judgment in what is in the best interest of the patient, yet we are held accountable for the outcomes of treatments where decisions have been taken out of our hands.”
— Vivek Kavadi, MD, vice chair of ASTRO’s payer relations subcommittee, regarding a nationwide physician survey touching upon prior authorization |
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Coming up in our June issue is our Imaging IT Buyers’ Guide. Contact sales for more information.
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A Softer Touch
Reconstructive surgery is an art that imitates life. With the help of cutting-edge photogrammetry, physicians are taking 3D-generated prosthetics to the next level; we’ll share some strategies for optimizing outcomes for patients throughout the life cycle. Read more »
The Case for Compartmentalizing
While strides are being made and countless lives are being saved, breast cancer diagnosis is still associated with considerable anxiety, time, and expense. A new approach, three-compartment breast imaging, may be just what the doctor ordered. Read more »
A Truer Measure of Addiction
Can the physiological attributes of a substance abuser be quantified, even mitigated? Radiologists are chiming in on this age-old conundrum, and we think you’ll agree that their findings merit a prominent place in the discussion. Read more »
High-Yield Imaging
A steadily evolving modality, MRI is fast becoming an indispensable diagnostic and predictive asset. Radiology Today checks in with some key players in the industry, who’ll bring you up to speed on some potentially game-changing refinements. Read more »
Reporter’s Notebook: News From SIR 2019
The Society of Interventional Radiology’s annual event, recently held in Austin, Texas, was a trove of information and insight; check out some of our favorite take-aways. Read more » |
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