Like some of you, the Radiology Today team will be heading to RSNA next week. Like many of you, we’re curious to see the new technology and hear about the latest trends. McCormick Place is sure to be buzzing, and Chicago offers plenty of offsite activities as well. (Don’t get me started on the pizza.) This month, we’re providing an overview of some of the sessions that caught our eye.
What are you looking forward to at RSNA? Let us know on Twitter and/or Facebook. And if you happen to be in the vicinity of booth 3252, stop by and say hello.
— Dave Yeager, editor |
Tomorrow’s Radiology Today: RSNA 2018
This year’s RSNA theme is Tomorrow’s Radiology Today, so attendees can expect to hear all about the latest and greatest that radiology has to offer. No one will be able to see all of the interesting sessions, but we noticed a few that might be worth checking out.
Each of the plenary sessions has a specific theme, and the lectures are always informative. For Sunday’s opening session, RSNA president Vijay M. Rao, MD, and David C. Levin, MD, will be kicking things off with the President’s Address, “How Emerging Technology Will Empower Tomorrow’s Radiologists to Provide Better Patient Care,” followed by the Annual Oration in Diagnostic Radiology, “Artificial Intelligence, Analytics, and Informatics: The Future Is Here.” There are also science sessions on emergency radiology and informatics, respectively, on Sunday.
A Monday morning controversy session looks at an abbreviated breast MRI protocol, and there’s a session on “3D Printing in Urologic Oncology,” hosted by Nicole Wake, PhD. Monday’s plenary lecture, delivered by Rao and Donald M. Berwick, MD, is called “Can Clinicians Lead Radical Redesign?”
Tuesday features a controversy session on prostate imaging as well as a session dedicated to perceptual and attentional errors. “Interoperability: Imaging and Beyond — IHE, Standards, and the RSNA Image Share,” presented by David S. Mendelson, MD, and Didi Davis, promises to provide an interesting update on current interoperability trends. Tuesday morning’s RSNA/American Association of Physicists in Medicine Symposium will look at the state of the art in CT, and Tuesday afternoon’s New Horizons Lecture by Flemming Forsberg, PhD, and Rao will be “Oscillating Microbubbles — Driving Innovation in Ultrasound.”
Full story » |
A Bigger Stage
Liver health continues to figure prominently in the national health care discussion. Recent developments in ultrasound and multimodality imaging offer radiologists wider options for staging and assessing liver diseases. Check out some of the latest advances. Read more »
Lab Values
Though the rewards of 3D printing are tough to quantify in dollars and cents, organizations that have gotten in on the ground floor are not looking back. As the discussion widens into CPT codes, quality control, and reimbursement, we’ll put you in the know and help you decide: Is it time to get your organization on board? Read more »
A New Spin on MRI Contrast
Despite several high-profile questions being raised over the long term, gadolinium remains the industry’s go-to contrast agent. Some innovators, however, are getting the sense that it’s time for the next big thing; we’ll check in with a few who are getting out in front. Read more »
Less Strain, More Gain
As imaging volumes continue their inexorable growth, repetitive strain and burnout have become significant pains in the neck—not to mention the back, elbow, and wrist. Optimized ergonomics can help smooth out the bumps and bruises in radiology workflow. Read more » |
MRI-Guided Cryoablation Proven Effective Against Spinal Tumors
Given the associated risks of irreversible damage, treatment of epidural tumors of the spinal canal presents considerable challenges. A study published in the American Journal of Roentgenology describes the use of MRI-guided cryoablation to successfully treat such tumors.
New Flexible, Transparent, Wearable Bio-Patch Improves Cellular Observation, Drug Delivery
Purdue University scientists have developed a new flexible and translucent base for silicon nanoneedle patches to deliver exact doses of biomolecules directly into cells. This technology, they say, will lead to expanded observational opportunities.
Veterinary Imaging Market Share Projected to Surpass $1.85B
Driven by a globally changing attitude toward animal welfare and the spread of zoonotic diseases, the veterinary imaging industry is projected to exceed $1.85 billion by the end of 2023, while maintaining a compound annual growth rate of 6.9%, according to Market Research Future.
Topographical Imaging Offers Insights Into Electronic Devices
California researchers have developed a novel topographical imaging technique that could enable engineers to better understand the electronic activity inside computerized devices, according to a study in Physical Review Applied. |
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“It operates on a simple principle where a light-sensitive drug, which is otherwise nontoxic, introduced into certain tissues can cause cell death when activated by light.”
— Nalinikanth Kotagiri, MD, PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati, regarding photodynamic therapy, a cancer-fighting strategy that uses ultraviolet light to trigger a photosensitizing chemical substance |
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