Current Issue

Cover Story

AI in IR
In the same ways AI is aiding the wider field of radiology, it is aiding IR, increasing workflow efficiency, automating processes, and much more.

Featured Articles

Timely Intervention
Facilities employing mobile stroke units are looking to increase funding to make this life-saving equipment more widely accessible.

Data-Driven Breast Care
Diverse datasets bolster AI’s ability to provide unbiased and enhanced breast cancer diagnoses for diverse populations.

Getting a Grip
Physical strain is a problem for radiologic technologists, especially in ultrasound. Experts are working to alleviate such strain.

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Farther Afield
By Joseph Ryan, MD, and Alex Merkulov, MD

A 16-year-old male with a past medical history of bilateral maxillary and mandibular third molar extractions presented for CT imaging evaluation of a lesion involving the left hemimandible first identified six months prior. The patient initially experienced mild left mandibular swelling but was otherwise asymptomatic. The patient also has a past medical history of bilateral orchiopexy for right testicular torsion and had undergone arthroscopic repair of a complex lateral meniscal tear with underlying discoid meniscus. Past medical and surgical history were otherwise unremarkable. Continue reading »
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