The old adage has it that life begins at 40. The personnel at Solis Mammography, in conjunction with the Society of Breast Imaging, want women to remember this age is a turning point in the fight against breast cancer as well.
Early detection leads to a survival rate of close to 100%. Getting screened early is the best way women can protect themselves; radiologists can keep up to date with the latest numbers in this month’s E-News Exclusive.
— Dave Yeager, editor |
Four Compelling Reasons to Start Annual Mammograms at Age 40
Turning 40 is a benchmark birthday for many women in the United States. While a pessimist might view it as a signal that their glory days are over, more and more women are optimistic about the milestone, seeing it as a kickoff into the best years of their lives. But one thing is true for all women: Health needs and preventive wellness routines should begin to change at age 40.
“For some women, they have health history or specific reasons to begin mammography before age 40. But for the average woman who has never had a breast screening, we recommend she begin a routine annual wellness mammogram starting at age 40,” says Stephen Rose, MD, CMO of Solis Mammography. “Simply put, women in their 40s have the most to gain from being proactive about early detection. Major studies have shown time and again that, in addition to saving lives, early detection offers greater quality of life, as treatment at earlier stages is less invasive and less costly.”
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CT Scan Reveals Air Pocket in Patient’s Brain
Brain scans performed on an 84-year-old patient complaining of dizziness and limb weakness revealed a pneumatocele—a large pocket of air—in his right frontal lobe. A small benign bone tumor, or osteoma, had formed in the patient’s paranasal sinuses and was eroding through the base of the skull, causing air to leak into the cranial cavity, according to BMJ Case Reports.
Imaging Offers Insight Into Ancient Medical Text
Using X-ray imaging, Stanford University scientists uncovered a 6th-century translation of a book by the Greek-Roman doctor Galen, whose work had been scraped off the parchment manuscript and replaced by hymns in the 11th century.
Researchers Unveil Flexible, Stretchable Ultrasound Patch
Tapping the potential of stretchable and conformal electronics, University of California San Diego researchers have developed a stretchable, flexible patch with the ability to adapt ultrasound technology to novel and challenging circumstances.
High-Resolution CT Furthers Analysis of Neandertal Skeleton
Cutting-edge microCT imaging was used to study the internal anatomy of the skull and several of the bones of the Neandertal skeleton La Ferrassie 1. The middle ear bones (malleus, incus, and stapes) were identified and 3D virtual models were scrutinized, according to a report from Binghamton University. |
May 9 Complimentary Webinar 3D Printing Applications and Workflows:
Insights from the Top Ranked US Hospital
The growing use of 3D printing in health care presents unprecedented potential for radiology departments. In this webinar, Dr. Jonathan Morris, codirector of the Anatomic Modeling Laboratory and Neuroradiologist at the Mayo Clinic, will share the history of 3D printing in medicine, and examine real-world case studies of how radiologists have successfully introduced 3D printing capabilities and programs into hospitals. Dr. Morris will walk through the complete workflow for producing 3D printed anatomical models from patient scans, and how any radiologist can implement a low-cost 3D printing operation, from software to setup. After Dr. Morris’ presentation, Amy Alexander, biomedical engineer in the Anatomic Modeling Lab at Mayo Clinic, will answer your questions on how to implement this new workflow in your institution.
“When our stomachs are empty, the body senses this and switches to food-seeking survival mode. We're not trying to eliminate this biological response, only reduce the strength of this signal to the brain to provide a new, sustainable solution to the difficult problem of treating mild obesity.”
— David Prologo, MD, FSIR, ABOM-D, of Emory University School of Medicine, on research showing that an interventional radiologist can, with the help of live images streamed from a CT scan, inject argon gas into a patient’s back, freezing the nerve that transports hunger signals to the brain |
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Bridging the Gaps
Mergers, acquisitions, expansions, disparate data systems—all in a day’s work for breast imaging enterprises looking to adapt to ever-changing regulatory standards while maintaining impeccable customer service. Learn how savvy facilities are applying IT to stay ahead of the curve. Read more »
Evolving Expectations
Radiologists are unanimous that artificial intelligence will be integral to the practices of the future. Find out some novel applications being eyed for the near term, and others coming to fruition in the here and now. Read more »
Measuring Up
Echocardiography is an invaluable but nuanced tool in the fight against heart disease. When every second counts, diagnostic insight facilitated by deep learning technology can be the difference that it makes. Read more »
Sharp Insight
Combining a linear accelerator with MRI technology, MR-linacs are affording radiologists an unprecedented assessment of tumors, particularly those most affected by the ebb and flow of respiration, and promising ultratargeted radiation therapy. Read more » |
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