Several times, a knowledgeable IT person has answered my introductory question about a vendor-neutral archive (VNA) with this question: What do you mean by a VNA? While I still suspect one of the steps in building one involves sprinkling fairy dust, here are a couple of definitions.
— Jim Knaub, editor |
Defining VNA
By Jim Knaub
In some ways, the term vendor-neutral archive (VNA) is like the label “all natural” on a jar of applesauce. It’s trendy, beckons to you from the shelf, and sure seems like a good thing—yet you’re not quite sure what the term really means since it is not actually defined.
My favorite VNA definition came from a guy at RSNA 2014. He told me that VNA means that when you migrate to a new PACS vendor you don’t have to pay the old vendor one dime. While it’s not the best VNA definition (albeit an amusing one), it does point to one of the driving forces behind the technology.
PACS migration from one system to another has traditionally been an expensive, time-consuming process. PACS vendors have little or no incentive to make an easy migration away from their products. One key objective of a VNA is to make PACS data migration less costly, less time-consuming, and actually happen less often. Customers like the concept that once imaging data are stored in the archive, they will be readily accessible through several generations and/or brands of PACS.
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