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Successful Dose of Monitoring
The director of imaging services at White Memorial Medical Center in California discusses his facility’s dose reduction program. Read more »
Analytics — From Data to Decision
Experts weigh in on data management tools and the challenges and opportunities they present. Read more »
Emergency Response
Learn about the ongoing debate regarding the use of coronary CT angiography in low- to moderate-risk patients presenting with chest pain in the emergency department. Read more »
Stroke Treatment Dispute After three studies concluded there was no significant benefit with intra-arterial ischemic stroke revascularization, the Society of Interventional Radiology released a position paper responding to the studies’ findings. Read more » |
Urologists Overuse Radiation Therapy Services for Profit
A review of Medicare claims in The New England Journal of Medicine revealed that the 146% increase in intensity-modulated radiation therapy for prostate cancer patients among urologists was due to self-referrals, according to the American Society for Radiation Oncology.
Johns Hopkins Halts Black Lung Program
Johns Hopkins Medicine has suspended its black lung program after reports from ABC News and the Center for Public Integrity claimed the program benefited coal companies by denying X-ray findings of black lung disease, NPR reports.
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Acoustic Diode May Lead
to Better Ultrasound Images
Researchers at Nanjing University in China have designed a theoretical model of an acoustic diode for ultrasound, which may deliver clearer images and improve diagnosis, according to the American Institute of Physics.
Lung Cancer Screening Programs Plan for Change
Experts on lung cancer screening programs are anticipating an increase in referrals and reimbursement once the US Preventive Services Task Force releases its final recommendation on annual lung cancer screening for high-risk patients, as reported by MedPage Today. |