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Smartphone Medical Devices, Apps Diagnose Patients
Companies are developing apps and medical devices that can connect to smartphones, allowing users to track their health without ever visiting the physician’s office, USA Today reports. |
Final Days for Preliminary Reads?
In part one of Radiology Today’s discussion on preliminary reads, teleradiologists provide their views on the subject and whether final reads alone will become the new standard. Read more »
Sharing Images
A hospital and a radiology group provide insight into their adoption of vendor-neutral archives, including the challenges of implementation and how to utilize them to meet different organizational needs. Read more »
SIR 2013 Reporter’s Notebook
Here’s a roundup of some important studies discussed at the society’s annual meeting. Read more » |
New Imaging Contrast Outperforms Current Dyes
Danish chemists reported that the imaging contrast aza-oxa-trangulenium is cheaper, easier to use, and has a longer light-life for clearer images compared with current dyes, according to ScienceDaily.com.
Medical Images and 3D Printer Reproduce Models of Patients’ Hearts
Physicians at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, DC, are using images from CT scans and ultrasounds, and a 3D printer to construct a plastic replica of their patient’s hearts to help solve cardiac problems, The Washington Post reports.
Health Clinics Struggle to Meet Demands and Cut Costs
An article by The Baltimore Sun focuses on one chronically ill patient’s story about her many visits to a federally funded health clinic that is struggling to keep prices down as the health care system is being overhauled. |
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