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The Right Fit The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Altoona Regional Health System has found a way to balance physician autonomy with the security and benefits of hospital employment. Read more »
Completing the Call Read about critical test results management systems, which help ensure major radiology findings flow quickly from the radiologist to the physician. Read more »
Reporter's Notebook: ASTRO 2013 Learn about the latest research findings presented at ASTRO’s annual meeting this fall. Read more »
MRgFUS — Looking Beyond Uterine Fibroids
While this noninvasive procedure primarily is used to treat uterine fibroids, experts agree that it may be used for other complications, such as metastatic bone tumors. Read more » |
Radiology Today's online gift shop features a wide variety of items for radiology professionals. Choose from t-shirts, journals, clocks, buttons, mouse pads, and much more! Check out our secure online shop today or call toll-free 877-809-1659 for easy and fast ordering. |
Energy Metabolism Measured by MRI Predicts Clinical Outcomes
Johns Hopkins researchers have found that energy metabolism within the heart, measured by noninvasive MRI, is a significant predictor of clinical outcomes in heart failure patients, according to their press release.
ACR Discusses Low-Dose CT for Lung Cancer Screenings
The ACR provided a statement on the recent JAMA Internal Medicine online article about low-dose CT’s risk of overdiagnosis in lung cancer screenings.
Ultrasound Detects Appendicitis in Children
Using ultrasound to detect appendicitis in pediatric patients may be just as effective as the standard CT approach, according to researchers at Montefiore Medical Center.
MRI May Provide Stem Cell Tracking
IV iron may be used to label stem cell transplants for tracking with MRI in arthritic joints and other target tissues, according to an RSNA press release. |