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Radiology Today Interview: Reporting CT Dose Radiology Today interviewed Ascendian President and CEO Shawn McKenzie on the ramifications of the law in California that requires radiation dose reporting. Read more »
Meaningless Use
If you submit a paper to Radiology that uses the term “low dose,” it’s not likely to be accepted. Learn why the journal has targeted the term for extinction. Read more »
ASTRO Reporter’s Notebook
ASTRO visited Boston in late October. Take a look at some of the interesting research presented at the meeting. Read more »
Automated Breast Ultrasound Recently approved for screening, U-Systems’ ABUS finds cancers and reduces operator variability. While unsettled, reimbursement concerns seem headed in the right direction. Read more »
On the Case Check out our original case study department, edited by radiologist Rahul V. Pawar, MD. Read more »
Also, you can check out the entire issue in the Radiology Today digital edition. |
Hospitals Fear Being Primary Target of Medicare Cuts
Politicians worried about voter backlash may make hospitals the primary targets for Medicare cuts associated with the Affordable Care Act, according to this article in The New York Times.
Profit Guidelines? MedPageToday and The Milwaukee Sentinel raise questions about whether treatment guidelines for physicians may be as much about making a profit as benefiting patients. The articles look at questionable relationships between industry and doctors involved with developing treatment guidelines. The reporters examined 20 widely distributed treatment guidelines and found that in nine of them, more than 80% of the doctors involved in developing the guidelines had financial ties to drug companies.
MRI Before Breast Cancer Surgery May Not Help Patients A study from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center suggests that using MRI to stage breast cancer surgery may lead to removing more tissue than nececcessary without reducing the need for subesquent surgery, according to a Reuters report. |
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