'When to Screen' Mammography Debate Continues NPR gives its take on what two recent studies say about which women should get screened—and when—particularly those with very dense breasts and women with a family history of breast cancer.
Possible Doc Pushback
on PSA Screening Recs
Late last year, the US Preventive Services Task Force suggested against the routine use of prostate-specific antigen testing for prostate cancer in healthy men, but a MedPageToday article suggests many doctors don’t agree and may still continue their current ordering practices in spite of the recommendations.
Radiologists Among Survey's Best Paid Doctors
Radiologists may be stationed toward the top of Medscape/WebMD’s annual physician salary survey, reported on by USA Today, but they’re not all necessarily happy about it. |
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If you were to ask 100 people for the best place to find credible, unbiased information about getting value for their money, many would likely mention Consumer Reports. As a growing share of healthcare costs are being shifted directly to consumers—and there's little evidence that will change—it seems logical that Consumer Reports would increase the attention it pays to healthcare.
With 4 million magazine subscribers and 3.3 million paid online subscribers, the well-known consumer advocacy organization, which does not accept advertising dollars, has a well-earned reputation for helping consumers get good value from their purchases. Its interesting new partnership with the American College of Physicians is the topic of this month's E-News Exclusive. And it has a tie to appropriate imaging.
— Jim Knaub, editor |
Back Pain Imaging Is Subject of Healthcare Value Project
By Jim Knaub
The publisher of Consumer Reports has joined forces with the American College of Physicians (ACP) to help consumers get better value for their healthcare dollar. The High Value Care project was unveiled at the ACP's Internal Medicine 2012 meeting in New Orleans last month.
The project creates educational resources for patients and doctors, describing proven, cost-effective treatments for common conditions. The ACP vets the medical effectiveness, and the Consumers Union evaluates the value for the patient's dollar in its familiar, no-nonsense style.
Full Story » |
Technology Update: PET
In addition to providing a foundation on which to build hybrid technology, recent PET advancements focus on cardiology, neurology, and oncology. Read more »
What Radiologists Should Do
About the ICD-10 Delay Radiology Today recently spoke with Don Rodden, president of the Healthcare Billing and Management Association, to learn his thoughts on how radiologists should prepare for ICD-10. Read more »
Angioplasty for Multiple Sclerosis
Investigators discussed research about the controversial treatment at the Society of Interventional Radiology's annual meeting in March. Read more » On the Case
Check out our original case study department, edited by radiologist Rahul V. Pawar, MD. Read more »
Also, you can check out the entire issue in the Radiology Today digital edition. |
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